Pragmatics, or social communication, is vital to relating well with others. Even when deaf children have strong language skills, gaps can exist in conversational ability and comprehension of social demands. This project seeks to further understand and advocate for attention to pragmatic development and its relationship to cognitive and academic outcomes.
Pragmatics in Deaf Children
Scholarships and Activities
Pragmatics Development in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children. Society for Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics online conference. (Szarkowski & Wiley, October 2021).
Pragmatic strengths & vulnerabilities among deaf children. Listen & Chat Colorado (Szarkowski, May 2021)
Pragmatics in young children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Virtual Conference (Szarkowski, Mood, Wiley, & Meinzen-Derr, March 2021)
Using language (signed or spoken) in social contexts: Pragmatic strengths and vulnerabilities among deaf children. Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability & Diversity (Szarkowski & Eisan-Smith, March 2021)
It is more than language: The role of cognition in the pragmatic skills of children who are deaf and hard of hearing. The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Learning and Cognition (Toe, Paatsch, & Szarkowski, 2020)
A supplement to Pediatrics: Pragmatics in deaf and hard of hearing children. Pediatrics (Szarkowski, Toe, Wiley, & Meinzen-Derr, Eds., November 2020)
Assessing pragmatic skills using checklists with children who are deaf and hard of hearing: A systematic review. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (Toe, Paatsch, & Szarkowski, 2019)
Pragmatics in deaf and hard of hearing children. The Renwick Centre Podcast, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (Szarkowski, interviewed by Smith, July 2019)
Exploring pragmatics. The Institute’s Distinguished Speaker Series (Dianne Toe, Deakin University Australia, October 2018)